While I was in photography school (about 7 months into school) I was asked by my instructor to help the drafting instructor by photographing some rooms in the building for him. Little did I know at the time that it was a made up project so he could get to know me better. He specifically asked for me to do the photography. I have to regress at this point and tell you a story that happened when I was about 9 years old.

One of my favorite TV shows was The Brady Bunch. The dad was an architect and I always loved the part of the show when the mom would come in when the dad was drawing over his drawing board to bring him a cup of coffee. She would always then put her arms around him from the back and give him a great big hug. I thought drawing and designing buildings was the coolest thing. I guess I was drawn to it because of my creative side with photography. The second part of the story is that I loved the name Eric. Well one night when I was in bed I was saying my prayers. I asked God (no joke – this is the truth) to let me marry an architect named Eric. I prayed that prayer for weeks.

So as I was walking all over the school with this drafting instructor I find out that he’s not a draftsman – he’s an architect! His name happened to be Eric! At that time I did not remember my prayer. We clicked right off, and he asked me out on a date for my birthday. In 3 months we were engaged, and decided to marry the next June. A lot of people questioned me about getting engaged so quickly and said he was just wining and dining me, and I should get to know him better. I couldn’t explain it. It just felt right.

God listened and just as His word says, “Ask,Seek,Knock”. Wow, He must love me an awful lot. He loves you and me so very much, and He answers prayers. They may not always be the answer you want, but it will be the plan God has for you and that is always the best answer. God has always got your back.We had some real rough spots that first year of marriage and I did wonder if I had the right guy, but during that year I remembered the prayer I prayed. I knew that God was in this and he would help us work anything out provided we included Him in our marriage. We celebrated 30 years of marriage this year.