Keeping the Faith with Guidance ……..Good Orderly Direction
Does guidance from our Higher Power always come through? We must believe 
that it does, even when we don’t seem to receive a visible answer.
Spiritual guidance usually doesn’t come as we think it should. What we’re likely 
to find instead is that over time, a number of unrelated events come together 
for a good purpose. Although this appears to be chance or coincidence, very 
important outcomes often develop from simple happenings___ maybe just 
from meeting someone on the street.
We can never really determine how any chain of events will play out. The best 
we can do is to continue seeking guidance while following the highest principles 
in our program. Many chance happenings will be recognized as guidance when 
we look back at an entire chain of events.
My best way to seek guidance is simply to remember today that my life and 
affairs are in God’s care and keeping. The highest good will come from this.

Walk In Dry Places