“Sobriety is absolutely the most important thing to me in my life. Without my sobriety I would have nothing. If I choose to drink I will start losing things that are precious to me like my husband, my daughter, my house, my car, my self-worth, my confidence, my spirituality, my job, my everything. It’s just not worth it. I would just be a drunk and do nothing but drink all day every day. It’s just not worth it when I can choose to say no, and have a real nice life.”

A.A. Thought for the Day

When temptation comes, as it does sometimes to all of us, I will say to myself: “No, my whole life depends on not taking that drink and nothing in the world can make me do it.” Besides, I have promised that Higher Power that I wouldn’t do it. I know that God doesn’t want me to drink and I won’t break my promise to God. I’ve given up my right to drink and it’s not my decision any longer. Have I made the choice once and for all, so that there’s no going back on it?