A lot is going on in my life right now. My husband and I just decided to sell our house. We’ve lived here since 1992. It’s bittersweet, but we believe it’s time to cash in on our investment. We will be in a better position financially for the first time in our lives and can provide great things for our daughter. We are looking forward to great trips in the future as well as her college career and well-being. We live on the ocean now and our hopes for our new home will be a custom-built home with ocean views if that is what God’s will is.

It will be hard to leave the best ocean view on the island, but I have learned in sobriety that life is not all about material things, but about the relationships we form and forge throughout our lives. To have the capacity to have precious memories with family and be grateful for our health is far beyond having an ocean front view every day. We have enjoyed it, but it’s time to move on. I have my family and am most grateful I do. Sobriety gave me that. Without being sober I could never have had anything of any value, and if I did I would not have appreciated it. Sobriety gave me my life back. All of it.