So we went to San Francisco for our honeymoon for a week, and I was home for no more than a couple days and I was off again. I went to Phoenix, Arizona for the National Vocational Industrial Clubs of America competition (VICA). I had a great time and brought home a medal for third place in the nation in photography. I don’t remember a lot about the trip and that worries me a little. I’m sure I drank too much and I probably had blackouts. It’s not a fun feeling. You can’t remember what happened the night before, and your too embarrassed to ask anybody else what happened. As soon as I returned it was time to get ready for my last quarter of school. It would be a very different quarter because this time I would be married and have other responsibilities other than homework. I stressed over the dumbest stuff. I use to come home from buying the groceries and would sob because I felt so guilty for spending money. I had no idea how much money we had and that was my fault for not finding out as I look back on it now. But hey it was another good reason to —– have a drink or two, or three….