Fear can be a very crippling thing. Almost like a disease that has taken over my body. I have feared all kinds of things in my life. Fear of economic insecurity, fear of being without alcohol, fear of speaking in public, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being in my own body at times, fear of not meeting approval of others, and the list keeps going on and on. When I came into AA the crave to drink and fear both left about the same time. I used alcohol as a crutch to get thru life and everything seemed scary to me. When I learned I could put the bottle down and lean on God (and Jesus) my fear went away for each chaotic thing I faced. I simply had to take one moment at a time and turn the situation over to my Saviour above and I knew He would take care of it if I would just let Him. Then faith and trust comes in but I’ll talk about that later. One thing –One day at a time. This devotion on fear is very comforting to me. Meet your fears with courage. Courage to me is simply “Do it scared”. Just take the first step knowing God has got your back.

Fear, a universal human emotion, strikes each of us in different ways. The 
brave parachute jumper may be afraid of public speaking, and the brilliant 
orator may have a fear of flying. An alcoholic’s drinking is partly an attempt 
to cope with the feelings of fear. The recovering person, now having no drug 
(yes, alcohol IS a drug), must face fear by using the tools of the program. 
The sober way to deal with fear is to admit that one has fears, to discuss 
them with a sponsor or another understanding person, and to seek the help 
of one’s Higher Power in living with fear or having it removed.
When we share our experience with fear, we hear different kinds of stories. 
One person may declare that fear was completely removed by prayer. Another 
person, who prayed with what seemed to be the same degree of sincerity, may 
still be troubled by occasional fears. 
We cannot know exactly how the program will help each person cope with fear, 
but we can be confident that it will work for all of us. We have met fear 
successfully when we continue to stay sober and meet our responsibilities in 
all sorts of threatening situations.
I will not let fear keep me from any good thing today. My Higher Power can 
see me through any difficult or threatening situation.