I’m in Orlando Florida this week with my husband attending a kitchen, bath, builders convention and trade show. I’ve been to a lot of trade shows in my life as a photographer, but I’ve haven’t been to a trade show in probably the last 6 years. I am surprised to see how much alcohol is being served from the various trade booths/vendors. I’ve not seen that before, and boy when I was drinking if they were serving alcohol you would have had to carried me out on a stretcher. I must admit the alcohol has rattled me a little bit the past two days. The smell, the sweat rolling off a ice cold beer can, people sitting enjoying a nice glass of wine. Yes, I still have times I wish I could partake and it not cost me any troubles.   I don’t crave alcohol like I use too thank God, but I would if I ever put even one ounce in my body. It would start that craving all over again and I’d be off to the races.  I can’t control people, places, and things. I can only control me. If I need to leave the building because the alcohol is getting to me then that’s my choice. I luckily have more tools in my toolbelt and have figured out other ways to cope. I pause, play the whole video in my mind through to the end and then I remember why I can’t have that drink. It’s because it wouldn’t be just one drink. It would be every beer in stock in the bar –and all the wine they have too. The first drink is the one that gets you drunk and in loads of trouble. Glad I did my AA devotion this morning. Got through one more day and stayed sober.