It doesn’t happen overnight. We are not cured from alcoholism. We are recovered from alcoholism. That is why is says in the Big Book, our text – ” we have a daily reprieve dependent upon our spiritual condition.” Page 86, Alcoholic Anonymous Big Book, Our text we use for our program.

In large part my spiritual connection, and the spiritual energy I feel with God each day determines the attitude and outcome of my day.  If I feel upset and sour and on my pity pot then I will have a pity party until I decide to change the kind of party I’m going to have. I can start my day over any time of the day. I can choose happiness and positive attitudes and accept where things may lie through out my day as well. It is good to know that today I have a choice. When I was drinking the bottle made the choice for me.

Father, I pray I make good choices one moment at a time today and relish those as precious memories. I pray for those who are still struggling not just with alcohol but with life. Let them come to know that true power thru you can change their lives forever. I pray that the light of Christ shines in me today that others will see you and not me. I pray this in your name and will give you ALL THE GLORY! Amen.