Literally, I understand exactly what Joanne is talking about when she says “hitting rock bottom “. I’ve hit an alcoholic bottom, and financial bottoms. It wears on you and grinds you. It’s an “ISM”. It’s all those things that are a result of an unmanageable life. The drinking is just a symptom. I drank to numb the pain. Financial difficulties are hard because a lot of times there are things you have no control over. The way to some sort of peace is to write down what you can control. Remembering to take it one day at a time keeps that overwhelming feeling of this will never end more manageable. My mantra on a daily basis is “this too shall pass.” And it always does. I turn it all over to the Lord at His feet remembering He can do more with it than I can.

PSALM 62 by devotions by Joanna Gaines.

“Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him,
for God is our refuge”—Psalm 62:8

Day 4: I can remember when I felt like we hit rock bottom financially, how my soul desperately needed a safe place. My heart and mind were terrified at what could happen. I was weary and my soul needed to find a place of comfort. Nothing was working on the exterior, nothing anyone said comforted me, no relationship or even financial miracle felt like a safe place.

I finally started crying out to God and asking for His peace and comfort. Day and night, it became the only thing that would set my soul at ease. Even when our circumstances didn’t change, He became our refuge. I got to a point where if we were to lose it all and have nothing, I was no longer fearful because I felt safe for the first time. I had always believed that the feeling of safety came when finances were good, or if we had healthy relationships, but I was so wrong. The power of God is such that even in your darkest times, He is your light and salvation.

Today, lay whatever situation or need you are facing at His feet. Cry out to God and pour your heart out to Him. May you find refuge in Him today; may He be your safe place.