I am what and who I think I am. Negative thoughts bring a negative self image. Positive thoughts bring a positive self image. One I my favorite quotes is “You bring about what you think about.” I brought myself down to such a low self image that it propelled my drinking into a downward spiral. It wasn’t until I could begin to love myself again that I saw that self image become somewhat positive. Alcoholism is centered in the mind. Before I drink I have to have the thought to drink. I can control the outcome by the choices I make. The tools of the program have been indispensable to living a sober life. At times that I might have a thought that a drink might be nice I have tools to use. I know use those tools, and if they don’t work I can still have that choice to drink. 100% of the time for me those tools have worked. Renew your mind, be filled with spirit, and work the AA program.


A.A. Thought for the Day

To grasp the A.A. program, we have to think things out. Saint Paul said: “They are transformed by the renewing of their minds.” We have to learn to think straight. We have to change from alcoholic thinking to sober thinking. We must build up a new way of looking at things. Before we came into A.A., we wanted an artificial life of excitement and everything that goes with drinking. That kind of a life looked normal to us then. But as we look back now, that life looks the exact opposite of normal. In fact, it looks most abnormal. We must reeducate our minds. Am I changing from an abnormal thinker to a normal thinker?

Meditation for the Day

I will take the most crowded day without fear. I believe that God is with me and controlling all. I will let confidence be the motif running through all the crowded day. I will not get worried, because I know that God is my helper. Underneath are the everlasting arms. I will rest in them, even though the day be full of things crowding in upon me.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I may be calm and let nothing upset me. I pray that I may not let material things control me and choke out spiritual things.