I’ve been so stressed lately. Years in fact. It comes and goes. It seems much worse lately. My muscles are tied up in knots. It’s painful. I turned everything I can not control over to God this morning. I must remember every morning Turn it over, Turn it Over, Turn it over……I prayed to Jesus and felt relief. Actually, God is working things out in my life–I just forget to choose to think on the good stuff. It takes hard work to move your mind to think a certain way, but boy is it worth it. When the committee in my head begins handing out negative messages I scream at them and tell that committee they are not welcome in my head. That Jesus Christ reigns there. He is the light, and they are the dark. The light always wins. If a negative thought enters in my mind I replace it with a gratitude. I’ll give you one now. I have someone cleaning my house right now. Do you know how thrilled I am about that? I’m ecstatic!! I don’t have to clean my house! I hate house cleaning. I’m thankful I can afford someone to clean my house. That’s my gratitude for this moment. Now you try…..