Monthly Archives: January 2017

Reflection for the Day I have been told over and over that I must constantly work to give up my old ideas. “That’s easy for you to say,” I’ve sometimes......
Finally this day is over. Not every day in recovery is peachy keen. I have so many stressful things going on and sometimes things go your way and sometimes they......
Today is a breathtaking life day for me. 16 years ago I put down alcohol for good because it was poisoning and killing my body. It’s harder than it sounds.......
It doesn’t happen overnight. We are not cured from alcoholism. We are recovered from alcoholism. That is why is says in the Big Book, our text – ” we have......
IF IT FEELS GOOD . . .Facing Other Excesses In the drinking and using life, one of the flippant sayings we heard was, “If it feels good, do it!” We......
I’m in Orlando Florida this week with my husband attending a kitchen, bath, builders convention and trade show. I’ve been to a lot of trade shows in my life as......
Fear can be a very crippling thing. Almost like a disease that has taken over my body. I have feared all kinds of things in my life. Fear of economic......
I had a sponsor tell me one time “that whatever is between you and your sobriety has to go.” That meant anything and everything. If you are working too many......
So we went to San Francisco for our honeymoon for a week, and I was home for no more than a couple days and I was off again. I went......
“Sobriety is absolutely the most important thing to me in my life. Without my sobriety I would have nothing. If I choose to drink I will start losing things that......