Monthly Archives: February 2017

I remember when I first started recovery and I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I would never be able to drink again for the rest of......
So, I started going to therapy once a week. I continued having difficulty putting the drink down. Something that was comforting to me though was my therapist each week asked......
Willingness. Willingness is the key to getting sober. I tried willpower countless times. It NEVER worked. I would promise myself one night that I would not drink the next day,......
I’m comforted that when I take my last dying breath on this earth I will make my transition into heaven to be with Jesus for eternity. I’m not taking anything......
I have not experienced more peace and serenity than when I got honest about my dishonesty. Lying, cheating, stealing to be able to keep my drugging active brought with it......
Tonight I had the pleasure of going out with some AA friends from my home group for dinner and a play. The play was entitled “Alky”. It was about a......
Are you In A Funk? Where can you be of service today? Who can you call to brighten their day? Get into action and see what happens....
I remember having a lot of “firsts” in my first year of not drinking. I learned during that year that as long as I was spiritually fit I could do......