Tonight I had the pleasure of going out with some AA friends from my home group for dinner and a play. The play was entitled “Alky”. It was about a teenage house party and how alcohol played a part from the beginning to the end of the party. It was a good reminder to me of what it was like when I was out there drinking. I sometimes forget the gory details of what it use to be like now that I am in double digit sobriety. It was narrated by various teenagers that would come forward and speak to the crowd in various degrees of drunkenness. It told of 5 different stages of drinking. The happy stage; the excited stage; the confused stage; the stupor stage, and the coma stage. The first two stages are more like nothing is wrong in the world and all is well with me so let’s party hard. Confusion sets in when you start having those feelings of thinking I don’t feel so well, but I really want more. Well I want more, but I really don’t want more. So what do I do? At this point you have so much alcohol in your system you literally are falling down in a stupor all over the place. Looking like a fool. A girl who was sober and not drinking at the party ended up being the victim of rape. At the end of the play 2 boys had a chugging beer contest and both of the boys went unconscious, and ended up in a coma. One of them later died at a hospital, while the other survived in a vegetative state. He ended up in a wheelchair with the brain activity of a 2 year old. Could not walk, or talk. Had to relearn walking, talking, eating, with no promise either would occur. Is it worth it? A night of drinking – 12 or 15 beers – is it worth it? How many people’s lives were put into danger when those kids drove home? I will tell you….2. 2 were hit by a drunk driver and were killed. One of the girls killed was pregnant.

There is a real real danger in drinking alcohol irresponsibly. I think I’m on top of the world and I’m invincible. Nothing can hurt me or anyone else. That’s the lie that alcohol makes me believe. Once I put that first drink into my system I am doomed. The craving has been put into motion from that one drink. I have no defense at that point. The only thing at many times in my life is that the only thing between me and a drink is GOD. If I don’t call on Him before the drink hits my mouth then I’m in big trouble. I have no guarantee that  I’ll make it back to the rooms of AA. I have to play the video ALL THE WAY to the end of the tape. It starts out fun…. but in the end lives – precious innocent lives are put in danger – including my own. This is SERIOUS stuff. Be More in this world. Be More. There is a right door to choose, and a wrong door to chose. Which one will you chose?