I’m comforted that when I take my last dying breath on this earth I will make my transition into heaven to be with Jesus for eternity. I’m not taking anything with me that I possess here on earth. That changes my perspective on why I am here and what I am suppose to be doing while I am here. As an alcoholic I am here to reach out to those who are still sick and suffering as it states in Step 12. If I don’t share what I have from this program then I am sure to lose it. My friend Jimmy W. from the rooms always said, “There’s no reverse in the hearse!” You can’t take it or come back for it my friend. I know for me that the only question that’s important to me when I am about to be lowered into the ground in my casket is “Do I know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior?” That’s all that matters at that moments. Do all these things change your perspective about being here on earth?


One of the hard lessons of life is that we can’t always “win” in the worldly game for prestige, power, and property. It is especially
galling to see rewards going to others that don’t seem to have
earned them. Much of the world’s conflict, in fact, grows out of
disputes over what rightfully belongs to whom.

In sobriety, we need a higher perspective than what we’re likely
to find in the brawling world around us. Rather than demanding
rights to anything, we should know that everything is part of a
spiritual world. The real meaning of the last line of The Lord’s
Prayer is that all power, prestige, and property belong to our
Higher Power. Whatever we have or will acquire is only temporary,
at best, and can easily be lost through wrong thinking and bad

Emmet Fox, whose writings guided the early AA members, taught
that we possess things only through “rights of consciousness.” In
perfectly legitimate ways, we will always possess whatever is
necessary for our real work in this life. If one door closes, another
will always open. We do not have to envy anything that others
possess, nor should we attempt to wrestle it from them. God
will always lead us to whatever we need for our highest good.

I will not fret this day about any lost property or opportunities.
My needs will be met in a satisfactory manner as I continue to
seek the highest and best in every situation.