• I remember when I first started recovery and I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I would never be able to drink again for the rest of my life. It seemed sad, overwhelming, and impossible all at the same time. That was when I was in outpatient treatment. When I started AA shortly after I began treatment I heard over and over again that I only had to not drink for that day. I didn’t have to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow wasn’t here yet. I could do that. I could not drink for one day. In fact, I can do most anything for just one day, and so that slogan “one day at a time” has kept me sober now for 16 years. I need only stay in the present moment because that’s all I have.


The present moment is all we have. Yes, we have plans and goals, a vision for tomorrow. But now is the only time we possess. And it is enough.

We can clear our mind of the residue of yesterday. We can clear our mind of fears of tomorrow. We can be present, now. We can make ourselves available to this moment, this day. It is by being fully present now that we reach the fullness of tomorrow.
Have no fear, child, a voice whispers. Have no regrets. Relinquish your resentments. Let Me take your pain. All you have is the present moment. Be still. Be here. Trust.
All you have is now. It is enough.
Today, I will affirm that all is well around me, when all is well within.

—-Language of letting go