The very next day I did something I absolutely hate to do. I picked up the phone (which weighed a 1000 pounds) and made a phone call. I hate to talk on the phone. I always have, and to make this call to start my journey of sobriety was by far the hardest phone call of my life. I was scared, full of fear, and had no  idea at all what to expect. The phone call I made was to my sponsor. The lady I had asked last night to be my sponsor was not surprised to hear my voice on the other end, and she knew I was really nervous. She said I had already done the hard part by picking up the phone. Talking she said was the easy part. My sponsor was gentle with me and gave me my first assignment which was to check in with her each day, and to try to make 90 and 90 which meant 90 meetings in 90 days. My sponsor said my second assignment was to begin writing about my life. Wow I thought! That’s going to be a long story. Once I started it though it really wasn’t that bad. I actually began looking forward to writing each day. It was like pieces of a puzzle that started coming together and I could see why maybe I was drinking so excessively. It took quite a few weeks to get it written, and I continued to do my 90 in 90, and stay in touch with her daily. I began to take Step One which reads, “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable.” I was beginning to take the necessary steps to get my life back to manageable one day at a time.