I posted a few weeks ago about my English Mastiff – Jack having been diagnosed with cancer in his ankle on his hind leg. It really had me torn up for several days. I had thoughts of amputating his leg because the type of cancer he has does not spread. It does reoccur at a high rate though after treatment. I could not see putting him through treatment and it keep coming back. He will be 9 in July. We live on pilings in a 3 story house at the beach so he has to go up 2 flights of stairs before he gets into the main level of the house. He was limping and could hardly stand. We had several hard days with him. The thought to amputate and then him maybe not be able to walk on 3 legs crossed my mind and bothered me also. I just would not or could not put him down either because everything else about him was happy and healthy. He is still a wonderful great dog!!

This is where the program of AA helps me when I can’t help myself. The slogans are particularly helpful and I recite them throughout the day as mini prayers. Especially the serenity prayer. So I put my faith in God into high gear, and truly turned Jack and the cancer over to God. I held his ankle and prayed that I would be a channel — a healing channel for God to help heal Jack. While I was praying and holding his ankle it reminded me that I use therapeutic essential oils for myself and my family — why not try it on Jack?

Jack’s ankle was swollen 3 times it’s normal size. I began using Frankincense on his ankle rubbing about 3-5 drops gently massaging it into his hair and skin. It is used specifically for cancer cells and it’s properties help reduce swelling. The next day Jack’s ankle was reduced in swelling significantly. The 2nd day it was back to normal and he was walking on all 4 legs, and had no issues with the stairs.   I am still applying it to him and he seems like he has no cancer at all. He continues to walk on all 4 legs, and the stairs are not a problem for him either. I was so torn up and in utter chaos about what to do with Jack when I heard he had cancer. I just needed to turn it over to GOD, and remember the slogan in AA that we “don’t need to quit 5 minutes before the miracle happens!”