When I first arrived into the program of Alcoholics Anonymous I learned a lot of things that were going to be different in my life. A lot of slogans that would change my life as well. One of those slogans is “Life on life’s terms”. It’s a hard one to swallow sometime. It’s kind of like playing cards. You don’t get upset about the hand your dealt. You just play them the best way you can. Life is the same. Everyday I am dealt a new hand, and someday it’s a great hand and life is great!! Some days I get an awful hand, and wish I hadn’t played cards that day. But that is the mystery of life. You can’t not play. You are in it no matter what. No matter what your dealt ya might as well slap on your good attitude and make the best of it.

My husband and I are working profusely in our home to finish a lot of renovation projects. We can’t do it all by our self so we have hired some people to help us. I’m telling you this story because as my favorite comedian Jeanne Robertson says, you must have a good sense of humor to make it through life. We hired someone to fix some siding on our house which is three stories and on pilings. We live near the ocean and the house is elevated. The contractor was using a 60 foot lift to get to the siding way up high. As he was moving the lift around to the back side of the house on the 2nd day he was there he rolled it over our septic tank, and the lift cracked the lid and went into the tank. Not a pretty sight, and didn’t smell too good either. Luckily no one was hurt. The contractor claimed we should have told him about the septic, and of course we expected him being a professional should have gone over all those sorts of questions before hand. So our siding job cost us 4 times what it should have, and took over a month to be fixed.

We had to hook up to sewer because the city wouldn’t let us put in a new septic tank. When the workers came to start work on the sewer they did not come to the door to give me any instruction on what or what not to do while they were working. It turns out one of the young men was down in the hole working where the main waste pipe coming out of the house was, and I flushed the toilet and then he got flushed with lots of surprises from the toilet!! I laugh, but he did not tell me not to flush the toilet.

So good day – bad day I am just grateful to be alive for the day. I have many blessings to be grateful for and when I get in my cranky ways, begin to compare my life with others, get angry because things aren’t going my way, get resentments and jealously, etc. I have to stop and begin counting my blessings. I can’t let the devil get into the details of my life. Let go and Let GOD! Life is truly precious and should be enjoyed to the fullest. Play your hand by letting God tell you which card to play next.