I kept going to meetings and began to make new friends. Within the first 30 days of sobriety my sponsor and a friend of mine that was also her sponsee went to a seminar in Destin, FL. My therapist was part of the program. There was a talent show that my sponsor and friend wanted to do and I was scared to death to be around any talent show and especially to perform in one. I made myself literally sick to death in my own head about this. I wanted to do it but I was just scared. It was really cute. We were going to wear purple balloons and look like grapes and sing I heard it thru the grapevine tune but we made up our own words to fit the alcoholic. I told them I wasn’t going to do it the afternoon of the  show. Then I changed my mind at the last minute and decided I would do it. We were a big hit and it was hilarious!!! I’ll never forget it. To do something that I didn’t have to drink over before I got up on stage in front of strangers and be embarrassed was indeed a miracle. I think my self-esteem went up 20 points after doing that performance. I felt high on life without  the liquor, and had fun. I learned early on in sobriety that it doesn’t have to be a bummer to be sober. That same night which was a Saturday night they gave out chips, and it just so happened to have been my 30 days sober day. I picked up my 30 day chip on the same night I acted like a grape singing “I heard it through the grapevine that I no longer could drink wine.” When one of the ole timers who had years of sobriety saw me pick my chip up she said, “Oh my! she did all of that and she only has 30 days!!!” I just couldn’t believe that after drinking every day for 15 years that I had not had one single drink for 30 days straight. It was indeed a miracle. God had everything to do with this one. I couldn’t have done it without Him. I was and still am extremely grateful.