Today my daughter, Charlee and I went shopping for school supplies. Its a little bit early for that, but in years past we have waited until the last minute and was not able to obtain certain items. So we thought we would get an early start and get ahead of the game. Also in years past I would hate going –even getting knots in my stomach because school supplies were not in the monthly budget, and it just made me cringe wondering how it would hit us financially. I would get short with Charlee saying “do you really need that?” I have come a long way in my program of sobriety and have grown leaps and bounds this past year thanks in part to my sponsors, and therapist, and me digging inside myself to create a new Allison — a Allison that people would enjoy being around. This year I have not been the same worry wart about the finances. This year I have prayed more, turned things over to God more, and trusted more. Today Charlee and I had a blast. We bought everything she needed and a lot of extra special things that really made her smile. I didnt look at the price tag half of the time. All I needed to see was the smile on her face and hearing her sweet voice saying, “wow, thanks mom”. And guess what were going to be just fine. Financially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I learned today that life is short and we should live it to the fullest —even when your just buying school supplies….