Something that happens in early sobriety is what they call the “pink cloud”. Your just floating along and you feel better than you ever have before. You have new friends, your sober and you can’t believe you haven’t had a drink in 90 days!! It happens to all of us, but beware because we do fall off that cloud at some point and time. At 90 days at least the grass has grown back between your house and the liquor store. Be grateful for that. At 90 days I was happy to have a new routine, a new life emerging and a lot of pain being worked on in therapy so I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. To not be drinking was an absolute miracle. To be working on me was an even deeper miracle. It had been years since I had really taken care of myself. For years all I ever cared about was drinking. It’s so puzzling how it grabs you under its spell and twists and turns you into the darkest place you have ever gone. I  always said I would never let alcohol grab me that way, but it did. That’s the puzzling part. I was better than that and it sucked me under anyway. I made it out even if I had to come out crawling. This new life I was really happy considering where I had come from.