I was 30 days sober now, and had been seeing my therapist for 6 months. She was so patient, caring, and loving. She just let me flow along my journey and helped me along my way. I don’t literally think I would be alive today without her. I’ve never been anywhere where I felt so much love and felt that I belonged. I never felt like I belonged in my family. I always felt different. To feel like I belonged with friends I drank to change my feelings. It was such a relief every Monday at 4:00 to be able to go somewhere and feel loved and feel like you belonged. The hour went by way too fast, but I left there at 5:00 to go straight to my 6:00 women’s AA group meeting, and I felt loved and felt like I belonged there as well. I always looked forward to Monday afternoon’s! A few of us usually went out to eat after the meeting and I always enjoyed extending the day with more fellowship. I experienced a lot of growth and maturity that first year of sobriety with this schedule and truly began a new life for myself. I was living in a new place with my friend; going to therapy once a week; going to AA meetings 5-6 times a week; working full-time at Best-buy which I loved because I was in the camera department (I’m a photographer); making new friends; hanging out in new places; and really putting forth a lot of effort to take really good care of my self. Self-care is important. A lot of people might think that your being selfish, but not so. You have an addiction and that is a disease that must be taken care of or you can relapse quickly.  My therapist helped in making sure I was filling my time with good things, and not dreaming or obsessing about drinking.When I quit drinking I had a lot of time on my hands because before then my main concern was nothing but drinking. So what was I going to do with myself? First, I did have a full-time job. Second, I enjoyed riding my motorcycle; and third I was just beginning to get into digital photography. I spent time every morning with my coffee having a quiet time with devotions and prayer with God too. My life was SO UNMANAGEABLE that I had to have my therapist help me figure out all this stuff. One thing at a time; one person at a time; one day at a time my life slowly, but surely started to become manageable again. We all need each other, and I surely needed my therapist. She truly saved my life.