So I am trying to get sober living with my sisters and going to therapy from October to January all kinds of things come up in therapy. One of which was that it was my husband’s fault that I drank so much and I didn’t love him anymore. I wanted a divorce. So my therapist gave me the name of a reputable lawyer and I went to see her. We sat at a normal size conference table with me on the end and she at my side. As I talk through my story and answer her questions everything seemed to be going fine. So I asked her when we could get the paperwork started. She said,”I’ll be happy to help start the divorce proceedings as soon as you get sober.” I thought I was going to fall off my chair. Then she said, “I can smell the alcohol on you from where I am sitting. You need to straighten out your own life before you make a major decision like divorce.” I started crying and left.

Fast forward 2 years later and I have 2 years of sobriety. I was sitting in a meeting and an AA fellow was telling her story. She kept looking out the window and telling us her sponsor was late and was afraid she was lost because she had never been to that clubhouse. She proceeded to tell her story, and 20 minutes later she looked out the window and said oh good there she is. The lady walks through the door and it’s the lawyer. Talk about chills running up my spine. She knew that if I were to have gotten sober I had a chance of straigtening out a lot of things in my life including my marriage. In fact, I did do just that. As I write this today I am married to that same man for 31 years. We got back together and worked things out. It would have never happened had I been in any other lawyer’s office I am sure to this day.