Without a doubt my morning quiet times are the most important times of the day to me. I get up in the morning and make my coffee with my special creamer, and melt into my favorite recliner and fleece blanket with my stacks of books beside me on my table. Of course in this day and age it’s not just books that I reach for but also my favorite devotion app’s on my iphone 6 plus. This is how I begin my day. I ready my devotion’s not only from AA literature, but also from Al-Anon literature. My time would not be complete without my scripture reading, and my Jesus Calling reading. This is what works for me. Everyone has to find their own routine, and what works for them. I just know that without my readings followed by prayer which is the perfect start to my day I would not be sane for that day. I ask God to lead the way and show me the pathway that He would have me walk for that day. I always conclude by asking for “Thy will not mine be done.” By turning my day over to God I have nothing to worry about. It keeps me from getting excited, fearful, worrisome, and doubtful about my day. Knowing I am in God’s hands is the most comfortable feeling, and if my day becomes uncomfortable I stop – pause – and ask God to take over and for His will to be done. 9 times out of 10 I am taken care of and my problems have solutions within a reasonable time frame. Give your day to God and see just how much better your day and your life will become…..