Today was a special day. I realized that because I have decided to walk the road of sobriety I get to enjoy some pretty cool things in my life. My daughter who is my biggest gift of my sobriety was in a musical play called, “Alice in Wonderland, Jr.” She played the part of the “Tall Alice”. A lot of people might think that what I am saying is silly or a little off the wall. The truth is that had I not decided to have gotten sober I would have missed her play today. In fact, she would not be here at all if I had not gotten sober. Thankfully, I have remained sober and have not relapsed. If I had I might have been in some bar 3 sheets to the wind about to fall off my bar stool and missing the beautiful acting she did in the play. Because of my sobriety I get to participate in life instead of just drinking all day every day. It was fun today watching all the hard work she did learning her lines, and learning all the musical songs she had to learn. A very nice outing for the family, and we had two really great friends from AA come to support her as well. That means a lot to me. When you make such great friends like that who support your sobriety and love your kid it really touches your heart. These friends have watched my daughter grow up and love her so much. All in all I think I’ll take a theatre chair over a bar stool any day.