All posts by: Allison Healan Lawrence

Dec.13, 2022 - Well hello everyone, I just wanted to reach out to you today after starting to feel better. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Dec. 2020 and...
This weekend I’m in Jacksonville, FL at the AA Southeast’s Women’s Conference. I’ve heard a ton of good things from some fabulous speakers. It’s really great to be with friends......
I’m in a dentist chair right now. Wondering what’s wrong with my back lower tooth. The gums hurt more than the tooth. I think it’s just ulcers but I’d rather......
Well it has been a long time since my last post. I have had A LOT of health problems, and I have been unable to keep up with a most......
Today was a special day. I realized that because I have decided to walk the road of sobriety I get to enjoy some pretty cool things in my life. My......
When is the last time you celebrated yourself and the ones you love? If you are in recovery you have worked hard for your sobriety and you should celebrate that.......
Without a doubt my morning quiet times are the most important times of the day to me. I get up in the morning and make my coffee with my special......
So I am trying to get sober living with my sisters and going to therapy from October to January all kinds of things come up in therapy. One of which......
Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day   Alcoholics are unable or unwilling, during their addiction to alcohol, to live in the present. The result is that they......
I was 30 days sober now, and had been seeing my therapist for 6 months. She was so patient, caring, and loving. She just let me flow along my journey......