All posts by: Allison Healan Lawrence

Something that happens in early sobriety is what they call the “pink cloud”. Your just floating along and you feel better than you ever have before. You have new friends,......
A.A. Thought For The Day Alcohol is our weakness. We suffer from mental conflicts from which we look for escape by drowning our problems in drink. We try through drink......
Every day that went by I learned more and more about the program and more about myself as well. I learned I was a lot stronger than I thought I......
In the program of AA our time, not necessarily the quality of our sobriety is marked by chips that we receive. The chips kinda look like poker chips. Getting one......
Today my daughter, Charlee and I went shopping for school supplies. Its a little bit early for that, but in years past we have waited until the last minute and......
I kept going to meetings and began to make new friends. Within the first 30 days of sobriety my sponsor and a friend of mine that was also her sponsee......
I’m 52 today. Although we have birthday’s but once a year and feel the happiness and elation of a happy day with celebration—most people don’t realize that we can feel......
My sponsor asked me to start writing about my drinking life as applied to the steps. The First Step as I was writing kept playing over and over in my......
I have to admit some days are harder than others and that’s when I am so grateful I have the program of AA, and the support of my AA friends......
When I first arrived into the program of Alcoholics Anonymous I learned a lot of things that were going to be different in my life. A lot of slogans that......