All posts by: Allison Healan Lawrence

I posted a few weeks ago about my English Mastiff – Jack having been diagnosed with cancer in his ankle on his hind leg. It really had me torn up......
Hey Everybody!! I haven’t posted in a few weeks because my bipolar has been way out of whack. It can creep up or down on you so quickly. I was......
 The very next day I did something I absolutely hate to do. I picked up the phone (which weighed a 1000 pounds) and made a phone call. I hate to......
Even in recovery sad days still happen. I found out that my beloved english mastiff – Jack – has cancer. He is such a sweet boy – a big boy......
Today I can always find something to be grateful for. I’m sober and that’s a miracle. Even though there are stressful things in my life I have to turn those......
I remember when I first started recovery and I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I would never be able to drink again for the rest of......
So, I started going to therapy once a week. I continued having difficulty putting the drink down. Something that was comforting to me though was my therapist each week asked......
Willingness. Willingness is the key to getting sober. I tried willpower countless times. It NEVER worked. I would promise myself one night that I would not drink the next day,......
I’m comforted that when I take my last dying breath on this earth I will make my transition into heaven to be with Jesus for eternity. I’m not taking anything......
I have not experienced more peace and serenity than when I got honest about my dishonesty. Lying, cheating, stealing to be able to keep my drugging active brought with it......