Posts filed under: Devotions

Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day   Alcoholics are unable or unwilling, during their addiction to alcohol, to live in the present. The result is that they......
A.A. Thought For The Day Alcohol is our weakness. We suffer from mental conflicts from which we look for escape by drowning our problems in drink. We try through drink......
I remember when I first started recovery and I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I would never be able to drink again for the rest of......
Willingness. Willingness is the key to getting sober. I tried willpower countless times. It NEVER worked. I would promise myself one night that I would not drink the next day,......
I’m comforted that when I take my last dying breath on this earth I will make my transition into heaven to be with Jesus for eternity. I’m not taking anything......
I have not experienced more peace and serenity than when I got honest about my dishonesty. Lying, cheating, stealing to be able to keep my drugging active brought with it......
Before I came to surrender to the fact that I was an alcoholic I had to surrender to the basic fact that my life was unmanageable. Nothing in my life......
I am what and who I think I am. Negative thoughts bring a negative self image. Positive thoughts bring a positive self image. One I my favorite quotes is “You......
Literally, I understand exactly what Joanne is talking about when she says “hitting rock bottom “. I’ve hit an alcoholic bottom, and financial bottoms. It wears on you and grinds......
Twenty-Four Hours a Day A.A. Thought For The Day In A.A., we’re all through with lying, hangovers, remorse and wasted money. When we were drinking, we were only half alive.......