Posts filed under: Timeline of My Recovery Story

The last few years of my drinking I knew without a doubt I had a problem. I promised myself every day that tomorrow would be different. I would not drink......
I drank for the next 15 years. It did not matter where I was or who I was with. I drank when I was driving every day of my life.......
       Eric and I lived in a tiny tiny apartment. 3 rooms to be exact. It was a little difficult to get use to living somewhere else with someone different......
So we went to San Francisco for our honeymoon for a week, and I was home for no more than a couple days and I was off again. I went......
While I was in photography school (about 7 months into school) I was asked by my instructor to help the drafting instructor by photographing some rooms in the building for......
In an earlier post I said that I felt like I would not be ok unless I had a beer an arm’s length away from me at all times. That......
I’ve always felt a little different. I love my family very much, but I don’t really feel like I fit in. Can’t really explain why – it’s just a feeling......
So two days after I won GOAL Eric and I were to be married. I was at home getting ready and decided I needed to pack for the honeymoon. I......
I continued to do very well in school. As I think back over my younger years I generally had always done well in school, and pretty much any extracurricular activity......
So when I was 19 just before I started school to become a professional photographer, my sister and brother-in-law invited me to go to the Virgin Islands with them on......