
"Ask, and you shall receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7


Who am I?


Do you have a drinking problem?

Before I came to surrender to the fact that I was an alcoholic I had to surrender to the basic fact that my life was unmanageable. Nothing in my life......
It was July of 2000. I stayed in touch with the motivational speaker. I had attended some AA meetings. I didn’t get a lot out of them partly because I......
The last few years of my drinking I knew without a doubt I had a problem. I promised myself every day that tomorrow would be different. I would not drink......
I am what and who I think I am. Negative thoughts bring a negative self image. Positive thoughts bring a positive self image. One I my favorite quotes is “You......
Literally, I understand exactly what Joanne is talking about when she says “hitting rock bottom “. I’ve hit an alcoholic bottom, and financial bottoms. It wears on you and grinds......
Twenty-Four Hours a Day A.A. Thought For The Day In A.A., we’re all through with lying, hangovers, remorse and wasted money. When we were drinking, we were only half alive.......
I drank for the next 15 years. It did not matter where I was or who I was with. I drank when I was driving every day of my life.......