
"Ask, and you shall receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7


Who am I?


Do you have a drinking problem?

       Eric and I lived in a tiny tiny apartment. 3 rooms to be exact. It was a little difficult to get use to living somewhere else with someone different......
Reflection for the Day I have been told over and over that I must constantly work to give up my old ideas. “That’s easy for you to say,” I’ve sometimes......
Finally this day is over. Not every day in recovery is peachy keen. I have so many stressful things going on and sometimes things go your way and sometimes they......
Today is a breathtaking life day for me. 16 years ago I put down alcohol for good because it was poisoning and killing my body. It’s harder than it sounds.......
It doesn’t happen overnight. We are not cured from alcoholism. We are recovered from alcoholism. That is why is says in the Big Book, our text – ” we have......
IF IT FEELS GOOD . . .Facing Other Excesses In the drinking and using life, one of the flippant sayings we heard was, “If it feels good, do it!” We......